The specific nature of genetic diseases such
as genodermatoses (whole families are affected, substantial
impact on individual family planning decisions, ethically
challenging procedures) needs close cooperation with public
non-medical groups, in particular patients associations and
ethic committees.
Accordingly, GENESKIN activities also
encompass social, ethical and legal issues. For this purpose,
in this section we offer a list of European patients
associations dedicated to the GENESKIN-related diseases. We
also present a list of experts with different scientific
backgrounds, ranging from genetics to philosophy/theology,
supporting GENESKIN activities with their ethical advice.
These experts meet regularly in specific satellite meetings on
the platform of the regular GENESKIN congress to discuss
ethical questions, e.g. diagnostic and predictive genetic
testing, genetic therapy, the use of databanks,
patient-doctor-communication and gender aspects. With their
statement and reports they become integral part of the
scientific GENESKIN-network, setting in motion a process of
ethical reflection. Moreover, to ensure a balanced dialog
among all groups involved in the GENESKIN project, it is also
made available an information kit for non
Questionnaire for
Patients' Associations
Questionnaire for
Researchers |