The following texts are short press
releases to summarize the concept and the activities of the
Geneskin project. This short information is available in five
languages (English, Italian, German, French and Swedish) and
could be helpful e.g. for patients associations to be put on
their homepages.
Press releases
(English, Italian, German, French and Swedish)
The following patients' associations are especially interested in taking an active part within "Geneskin" project by sharing their personal experience of genodermatoses with the Geneskin-scientists and the ethical experts. They are interested in cooperating with each other, exchanging news and know-how and profit from scientific progress.
The following patients' associations
are especially interested in taking an
active part within "Geneskin" project by sharing
their personal experience of genodermatoses with
the Geneskin-scientists and the ethical
experts. They are interested in cooperating with each
other, exchanging news and know-how and profit from scientific
United Kingdom
Dysplasia Society
108 Charlton Lane Cheltenham
Tel: 01242 261332
e-mail: diana@ectodermaldysplasia.org
Web: http://www.ectodermaldysplasia.org/
The ED Society offers support by telephone
and letter and attempts to link families where possible. It
publishes a quarterly newsletter. The Society has over 300
members and:
- provides information, advice, support to those affected
by ectodermal dysplasia
- promotes the education of the medical profession and
general public
- supports research
- liaises with the Charity's Medical Advisory Board
- supports members in negotiations for financial aid/other
- encourages network for mutual support
Ektodermale Dysplasie e.V.:
Web: http://www.ektodermale-dysplasie.de/
Our group consists of 140 ed-families in
Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Patients and their families
meet once a year for a weekend to get to know each other and
to exchange news, to learn from experts and to discuss
problems in groups. Children and young people get in touch
with each other. We offer psychological support to those who
are affected and try to link them with each other. We also
offer support in questions of law and we help to deal with
health insurance companies and other authorities. We encourage
an exchange with other national ed-groups to be well-informed
about the latest developments in the field of gene therapy and
Sandra Webb
XP Support Group
Strawberry Close
Great Missenden
Bucks HP
16 0SG
e-mail: xpsg@binternet.com
The XP Support Group works to support people
with XP and other UV-related conditions and their families,
- Providing information and advice over the telephone, via
the website, or in person
- Putting sufferers in contact with others who are
- Publishing a newsletter three times a year
- Providing grants for UV protective products
- Organising an annual night-time camp called “Owl Patrol”
for patients and their families or carers and providing
respite care in a protected environment
- Assisting families to attend Camp Sundown (a nit-time
camp held once a year in New York State, USA). Last year two
families attended from the UK.
- Aims to raise public awareness of XP through an
educational campaign.
- Promotes research into XP by raising funds towards
research carried out into the condition.
Ehlers-Danlos Support Group
p.o. Box 337,
Tel.: 01252-690940
Web: http://www.ehlers-danlos.org/
The Ehlers-Danlos Support Group UK aims to
provide mutual support and information to families and medical
professionals; raise awareness of EDS and encourage research
into the Syndrome. |