Announcement of the Geneskin final meeting: “GENESKIN: towards a better understanding and care of genetic skin diseases”.
You are invited on June 20, 2008 in Rome at the Geneskin final meeting. Both members of the Geneskin consortium and invited speakers will meet here to discuss about the most recent advances in research aspects as well as in therapy and management of inherited skin diseases.
Registration form
New frontiers: gene therapy of junctional epidermolysis bullosa
In the December 2006 issue of Nature Medicine, an Italian team directed by professor De Luca reported the successfully treating of a 36-year-old male affected by non-lethal junctional epidermolysis bullosa due to mutations in the LAMB3 gene, using genetically modified epidermal stem cells. Stem cells, obtained from skin biopsies of the patient, were transduced with a retroviral vector expressing a normal functioning copy of the LAMB3 gene and, then, used to prepare genetically corrected cultured skin grafts. The grafts, transplanted onto the patient’s legs, remained stable and well functioning for the entire duration of the 1-year follow-up. This observation shows that gene therapy of junctional epidermolysis bullosa is feasible and sheds lights for future innovative therapeutic approaches for patients affected by these rare genetik diseases.
(Mavilio F, Pellegrini G, Ferrari S, Di Nunzio F, Di Iorio E, Recchia A, Maruggi G, Ferrari G, Provasi E, Bonini C, Capurro S, Conti A, Magnoni C, Giannetti A, De Luca. Correction of junctional epidermolysis bullosa by transplantation of genetically modified epidermal stem cells. Nat Med 2006;12:1397-1402)
Announcement of the 15th International DEBRA Conference
You are invited on 20th-22th October 2006 in Salzburg at the 15th International DEBRA Conference. Here, you will have the opportunity to receive a lot of information about recent advances in research aspects as well as in therapy and management from an international team of experts, covering the entire body of daily life-problems of individuals with epidermolysis bullosa.
Conference programme
Registration form
City map of Salzburg
Announcement of the EB Conference 2006
Organized by DEBRA, the next Epidermolysis Bullosa Conference will be hold on 10th-12th October 2006, in Dublin. World experts will meet in Dublin discussing about the most recent research results on the field of epidermolysis bullosa. Specific sessions will be dedicated to molecular therapies, cancer risk and treatment, diagnosis, wound healing and management. This meeting is by invitation only.
Key conclusions of the Conference