BBEST trial: Beta-Blocker Ehlers-Danlos Study
Brief description. The BBEST trial is a prospective randomised open blind end point trial comparino treatment with beta-blockers (Celiprolol) with placebo in patients with the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, vascular type. The primary endpoint of the study is the occurrence of arterial events. The secondary endpoints include hemodynamic parameters assessed with wall-track (estimation of the vascular elasticity.
Principal investigator. Prof. Pierre Boutouyrie, Unité de Pharmacologie Clinique, Hopital Européen Georges Pompidou. Pierre.boutouyrie@egp.aphp.fr
Participating centres. FRANCE: Dr. DP Germain, Dr. J Perdu, Dr. JN Fiessinger, Dr. M Le Meller, Dr. M Blanchet-Bardon, Dr. M Georgescu, Dr. C Arbeille, Dr. JI Bonafe, Dr. E Arlet, Prof. Quere, Dr. P Khau van Kien, Dr. P Collignon, Dr. Francannet. BELGIUM: Dr. A De Paepe (Geneskin participant 20), Dr. J De Backer, Dr. L Van Bortel. |